Solopress reach milestone 200th employee


We are happy to announce that in June 2015 we have reached another milestone here at Solopress! Aron, Andy and the rest of the team would like to welcome our 200th Employee, Ellen Hodder.


Founded in 1999 by Andy Smith and Aron Priest, Solopress were a small but determined company and the mission was to not let anybody down. We caught up with our CEO and Founder, Aron to tell us a little more about the company and what the milestone means. Aron’s first leaflet to tell the world about his new company simply read ‘keen as mustard – we won’t let you down’. It is this message and mentality that the customer comes first that Aron has held particularly close and instilled, as the company has grown. There were no goals when the pair started Solopress all those years ago, it was very much a case of keeping their heads down and continually trying to push themselves and the company away from any comfort zones and limits.

CEO Aron and Ellen

He attributes the growth and success of Solopress to his own drive and determination along with the clear-headed thinking of his co-founder Andy Smith who brings calm to the chaos. Further to this, Aron sings the praises of the team who are always improving, always evolving and getting better all the time. Looking forward Aron’s vision is to keep on growing, keep on creating opportunities and help people grow and develop just as Solopress always has.

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Do You Have What It Takes?

We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our excellent team. For more information, take a look at our vacancies page here.