How to print your own cookbook

get cooking and print your own cookbook on a perfect bound brochure

It’s about time you mark your skill in the kitchen on paper; why not print your own cookbook and share your time honoured favourites with others?

You’re a great cook. Perhaps your family eagerly anticipate invitations to Sunday dinner, or you’re renowned in your circle of friends for fabulous hors d’oeuvres and blinis. Whatever your specialty, collecting your tried and true recipes into a cookbook is a great way to pass them along to younger generations or sell through your own business.

Or perhaps the cook isn’t you. If your mum or nan has a culinary legacy you’re keen to preserve, collecting their secrets of the kitchen is a lovely tribute your whole family can enjoy. It just takes a little planning!

perfect bound brochure to print your own cookbook

Start With An Idea

Once you’ve decided to print your cookbook, the first thing you need to do is narrow down an idea. Do you wish to make it a collection of your family’s favourite comfort food meals? Are you known your adventurous hors d’oeuvres, blinis and other nibbles? Perhaps you’re an expert at creating amazing dishes on a budget, or gourmet treats in little to no time. Whatever your niche is, identify it early on and stick to it throughout your cookbook.

share your family favourites and print your own cookbook solopress brochures

Do Some Research

Now that you know what you’re focusing on, it’s time to do a little research. A great idea is to visit your local library and sign out cookbooks with subjects similar to yours. You could also look online or pay for a few if you feel they’re a worthwhile investment. Read them cover to cover and familiarise yourself with the way they’re presented, from the language to the photographs.

Another topic to read up on is food styling, and how food can best be presented to make it look extra appealing in photographs. Note: these days, only the real food is typically used. It’s less common for foods to be pumped full of glue or painted unnatural tones like it was a few decades back. There are many food styling guides for photographers online.

research cookbooks and write your own

Get Cooking

With a plan in place, it’s time to head into the kitchen and cook up a storm. Test your recipes and narrow down a selection of your best. Then, double check the correctness of all your measurements and list every ingredient and tool needed. It’s worth noting that to gain the best reception for your cookbook, you’re wise to stick to ingredients that are relatively easy to find, and tools that most people will have in their kitchen. You might love your food evaporator or ravioli rolling pin, but not every kitchen in the UK will have them.

get cooking and print your own cookbook on a perfect bound brochure

Put Pen To Paper

Or more likely, fingers to keyboard. It’s time to gather all your information together and start writing! In addition to the recipes themselves and instructions for making them, you’ll likely want to include and introduction to your book, offering an explanation on why you chose the recipes you did and what your goal was when you set out to print your own cookbook. At the front, you could include a dedication, if you want to honour someone who has inspired your love of cooking. And throughout your cookbook, it’s an excellent idea to include anecdotes about the recipes, the reaction you’ve received to your dishes and any related thoughts you’d like to share.

Draw on the inspiration you gained from reading other cookbooks, but develop your own writing style. Being unique and authentic will set you apart and give your cookbook your real voice. Furthermore, remember to keep explanations simple and instructions concise. Doing so will make your recipes easier to follow. This can be trickier than you think as when it comes to recipes you know of by heart and have made for years, it’s easier to just “do it” than explain to other people.

type up your cookbook contents

Go To Print

Once you’re happy with what you’ve done, it’s time to print your own cookbook! Depending on how many recipes and photos you’ve included, there are several options available to you. A mini-collection of recipes would be well suited to a smart and sturdy silk finish stapled brochure. On the other hand, if you’re having a hard time narrowing the collection down and have many to share, a great choice is our perfect bound bond brochure, made 100% recycled card.

solopress perfect bound brochure to print your own cookbook