The LEGO Minifig character that doubles as your business card

LEGO Minifig business card

All of us believe we have the world’s coolest looking business card. But the jammy company execs at LEGO have a unique ‘card’ up their sleeves that may just trump everybody else’s efforts!

You’d think working for one of the world’s top toy companies would be reward enough. But for some execs at LEGO, the keys to the executive washroom and a fully loaded company credit card just don’t cut it as perks these days. No, these big earners demand something truly spectacular and memorable to mark them out as top dogs in the corporate kennel.

That’s why the minions on LEGO’s factory floor have carefully constructed customised LEGO Minifig characters for all the senior management at the famous Denmark firm. Not only do these LEGO mini-me cuties each look like their human owner, they also act as their business card too.

It apparently all started when a designer wanted to impress LEGO’s president and CEO, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, by proudly presenting a cute LEGO version of the boss. Soon, all senior management figures had Minifigs made of themselves. As they cost so much to make, the Minifig fad sadly ends at this rung of the corporate career ladder. Therefore not every employee at LEGO can boast such an original and unique business card.

LEGO Minifigs business cards

Images Source: Quartz

Business Cards


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