Brochure printing with benefits

Man Reading Printed Brochure

Just “say no” to boring brochure printing!

With these simple suggestions, anyone can craft a company brochure that is sure to be held onto and referred to whenever your services are required.

Off To A Great Start

Before you start creating content for your brochure, make sure you have a distinct purpose in mind. Are you promoting particular products or services? Endeavouring to inspire client confidence and attract new business? How much information is it absolutely essential to include? Knowing the answers to those initial questions will help you decide which style of brochure printing to go for, as you may prefer a classy gloss stapled brochure over a concise folded leaflet. And if there is too much to pack into either, it may be time to consider a perfect bound brochure.

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Get To The Point

Get down to it and make your point in a clear and concise way. This is especially important when it comes to profiling your business in general within your brochure’s pages – it’s important to do so, but memorable and interesting content won’t just be focused on “you, you, you.”

Be Useful

Take this opportunity to offer potential clients or business partners useful, valuable information that will aid in their decision making process. Tell them what you can do for them! What that is exactly will depend on your industry, but anything that makes this process clearer will result in your company being a more attractive choice. Benefits-driven copy is helpful to the customer and in turn, helpful to you.

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Inspire Confidence

Being useful and providing information of value within your brochure printing will inspire confidence, both from customers and investors. Express your knowledge and take any chance to be known as an expert in your field, but once again, don’t make it all about you. Word your message carefully so it conveys your knowledge in a manner that’s helpful to the reader, not boastful or boring.

Get Personal

Ditch the dull, corporate feel and get personal with your copy. Your people are an integral part of what sets your company apart from your competitors, so feature them within your brochure’s pages. Forget about the stock images – use real photos of actual staff members. And consider including a personal message from your directors or CEO, stating what they hope clients could gain from using your products or services.

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Be Correct

In more ways than one. First, dot your “i”s and cross your “t”s. Have someone else (with a fresh set of eyes) check over your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Next, ensure all the specific details about your business are correct. From your hours of operation to your contact details, don’t turn potential business away due to a silly oversight with your brochure printing


  1. I still consider brochure printing a very helpful medium for advertising. Always delivers and I can say I’ve been dependent to it for quite sometime now.

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