Green Printing that doesn’t cost the Earth

Recycled pulp mini business card printing

In celebration of Recycle Week, show your support for the environment AND make a massive saving by printing at Solopress…

Recycle Week logo

It’s the 10th anniversary of the UK’s Recycle Week national awareness campaign this week (17th to 23rd June). The message for 2013 is well done, all of us are now recycling lots more things that we did 10 years ago, but let’s try to do even more!

Did you know that a sizeable 67% of the paper and cardboard used in the UK is recovered for recycling? And there’s no such thing as “today’s news is tomorrow’s fish and chip paper” these days, as all of the newsprint manufactured in the UK is now made from 100% recycled paper. To be honest, the food hygiene authorities probably had more to do with this change in business practice than any of the recycling campaigners.

However, recycling initiatives are crucial to all of us on the planet. The paper and card that doesn’t get recycled by people just end up in a landfill, where it will eventually rot and emit harmful greenhouse gases like methane.

Green Printers

All of the environmentally-friendly products from Solopress listed below are made from 100% recycled paper and card that has been responsibly sourced. But that’s not all. Solopress only print using vegetable-based eco inks and utilise the latest technologies to reduce our company’s carbon footprint at every stage of production and delivery.

This commitment to green printing ensures that your print order has minimal impact on the environment – with no compromise on quality – for prices that are cheaper than ever before!

Our comprehensive range of recycled products includes:

Recycled Pulp Business CardsRecycled pulp mini business card printing

Recycled Bond Compliment Slips

Recycled Pulp Greeting Cards

Recycled Pulp Invitations

Recycled Bond Letterheads

Recycled Bond Posters

Recycled Pulp Swing Tags (Labels)


  1. Interesting article. It is a pain to recycle but very satisfying. I find it very annoying though that only a few people down my street bother. More needs to be done to encourage people.

  2. Things are really pushing ahead with recycled items. Not too long ago you would have poor quality paper and ink as a sacrifice for having recycled eco friendly products. Recently I have seen much better examples and see this as the way forward. My father works at a paper mill and you really struggle to notice the difference between two papers recycled and non now a days.

  3. It’s nice to know that at least one company is bothered about saving trees. With the amount of junk mail that’s sent out every week in the UK (probably very little of it on recycled paper) companies who use recycled products are doing a lot to help.

  4. I try to use recycled paper wherever possible and always ask for this to be noted on the printed item somewhere to raise awareness. I didn’t know about eco inks until I read this article and will certainly look into them next time I am renewing my printer cartridges or getting a print run done

  5. A really interesting article. I currently recycle all paper products at home but have yet to convince my employer to introduce more green practices.

  6. I think recycling is a very important issue, sometimes it is a pain to recycle but if we all make the effort the long term benefit is there for everyone.

  7. Wow – that was really informative. Have bookmarked this page as my daughter has some homework to do on recycling and this will be a great help 🙂 x

  8. This was really interesting, I have never thought about green printing in this way before.

  9. Print companies should offer money off to customers who return unused flyers they have printed (maybe by weight). Most people will fail to recycle these old unused flyers, printed material, however an incentive would greatly improve the situation.

  10. I remember as little kid in the 70s how we were told about green issues needed to be embraced and how they never would as people were consumerist and didn’t care. It’s good to see the tide is starting to change properly but there is a way to go

  11. Great informative post – I had never even thought about the “greenness” of inks, only paper, makes me wonder about how green the ink I use in my home printer is!

  12. This is exactly what industry needs, same quality product, lower environmental impact in production, less wasted material, less land fill and competitive pricing!

  13. It is great that this article has brought this information to the fore front. I knew more an more paper is recycled – just never sure how – thanks!

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