Hypnotherapy business cards subconsciously impress clients

Hypnotherapy cards printed by Solopress - orange and white design

Hypnotist Alex Buxton of The Compass Tree tells us why people are entranced by his new hypnotherapy business cards…

My name is Alex Buxton and I am a hypnotist. The first part of any treatment is to admit it. I set up The Compass Tree as a bespoke coaching and hypnotherapy practice. My background is in design and illustration and I noticed more and more how hundreds of us creative types have a million and one beliefs that stop us from progressing and bringing the bucks in. So years ago I retrained as a hypnotherapist and a few other therapeutic techniques along the way.

I used to run a practice called The Creative Coach, specifically for folk in the creative industries to uncover and remove their own limiting beliefs and watch as their success barometer turned all the way up, almost effortlessly. More and more people approached me about non-creative issues, and I diversified my client base.

Now I work with all sorts of people to help them live happier, more successful lives the way they want to. I love what I do, who I do it with and the changes people get as a result. I am based in Cheshire, and also work in Manchester and London, but believe it or not a lot of my work is done using Skype.

Hypnotherapy Business Cards

My creative background meant the finish and design of my business cards was crucial. I know what I want and only the best will do. When I explain to somebody I am a hypnotist, they instantly have to trust me. Let’s face it if a therapist offered you a tatty, cheap looking, poor quality business card, would you really want them to delve into the depth of your subconscious mind. I certainly wouldn’t.

The quality of stock Solopress offer is next to none. The cards make me seem like invest enough in what I do to offer a quality service. As soon as I hand over my Solopress business card, the card does some of the hypnosis for me. It is a subconscious message conveying that I am a high quality, established and trust worthy practitioner.

The printing service was freakishly fast and I would not hesitate to use Solopress again and recommend them to all and sundry. In fact I already have.

Solopress printed these 400gsm Luxury Matt Laminated Business Cards for The Compass Tree

Hypnotherapy business cardsHypnotherapy appointment cards

Alex Buxton of The Compass Tree

“I will definitely use Solopress again and tell my friends they are fools to use anyone else.”
Alex Buxton, hypnotist and founder of The Compass Tree

Business Cards


  1. Very hypnotic design, it draws you in to see all the detail. Clever! Also the strap line, great marketing, who wouldn’t want to live their life the way they wanted. 🙂

  2. Fascinating article. I like the style of the business cards although it was not what I was expecting after reading the article, much more colourful than I thought they would be.

  3. Business Cards are more than just contact details, they are an extension of you and your business. Like an interview, you only have one chance to make the right impression. What will your business cards say about you? I recommend Solopress to everyone I know for all their branding and business needs. Remarkable efficient service, and flawless quality guaranteed.

  4. Love those business cards, very professional looking, I like the design and the colour reproduction is great. I’ll be looking for some new cards when I’ve used up my current batch, I’ll certainly bear Solopress in mind. Thanks for the post really useful

  5. Interesting design and does make me want to know more! I totally understand that quality means confidence and can empathise with Alexs choice.

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