AfroDeity pop-up banners printed by Solopress

Natural, Caribbean inspired beauty product chooses Solopress to print their pop-up banners

AfroDeity’s co-founder and managing director Alicia Thornthwaite reveals how the Pop-Up Banners printed by Solopress help bring out the beauty in her company’s Caribbean-inspired natural hair and skin products…

AfroDeity Facebook banner

AfroDeity is an online store that features and retails natural Caribbean Inspired hair and skin products. The ultimate goal is to help small farmers in the Caribbean and reinvigorate the declining agricultural industry by bringing natural healing oils and butters to the UK. Our business was founded around the knowledge of healing herbs, oils and butters passed down through the generations – culminating in my interest in science.

Why AfroDeity Print At Solopress

As a small business, sometimes we hear about opportunities or events just days before they are due to happen and need items printed fast. Solopress are always helpful in getting those products to us fast! If we have any questions or problems there is always someone at Solopress on the end of the phone, in a Live Chat window on the website or just an e-mail away.

We discovered Solopress by accident after an Internet search and decided to get their free sample pack. After seeing the superb quality, we just automatically assumed that there was no way we could afford them. However, after looking around, we found that not only is their quality great, but the price is reasonable for a small business like ourselves – and the customer service is first class.

AfroDeity have had two sets of flyers printed at Solopress – plus our most recent pop-up banner. As usual, Solopress did an amazing job. I wanted a professional pop-up banner designed and had done some of it already, but it was missing a polished look. Solopress took my design and made it look professional. The banner itself was perfect and the image quality amazing, and as usual next day deliver meant I had it in time for AfroDeity to show it off at events! Thank you again Solopress.

We now plan to get our brochures printed by Solopress – and the charities we support in the Caribbean will be sending us flyers, which we intend to print through Solopress too.

Solopress printed these Roller Banners for AfroDeity

AfroDeity Pop-Up Banners printed by Solopress

“I will be ordering more printing from Solopress – and have been recommending you to friends! Still blown away by your design service.”
Alicia Thornthwaite, AfroDeity’s co-founder and managing director

AfroDeity founders meet Theo Paphitis photo

AfroDeity was founded by Alicia and her mother Joliette – pictured here with Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis.