Tips To Promote Your Business

banner for how to promote your business

It is a well known fact that many businesses struggle to achieve good sales in the first quarter of the year, however there are small steps that can be taken to help get your business message across, and hopefully boost your sales at a much needed time.

banner for how to promote your business

This means that in addition to ensuring that you have adequate stock of your business literature, it is not enough to simply display your leaflets on a cramped desk or reception area in the hope that customers will see them. Instead, it is necessary to consider other ways in which you can get your message across to your customers.

Busy high-streets are always a popular place to hand out your literature and it can also be worth researching any local events that may attract a large crowd of potential customers. When handing out business literature it can be beneficial to consider offering a discount or special promotion with a deadline as it spurs the customer to action.

Of course, if you are handing out flyers at public events, or in public spaces, it is always best to check whether you need permission.

Another option is to speak to your suppliers, or other complementary businesses in the local area, and asking whether they would display some of your business literature. For example if your business offers sports massages, it could be worth speaking to the local gyms and health clubs to ask if they would display some of your leaflets on their reception area or notice boards. Bear in mind that they may ask you to display their leaflets in return.

Businesses often forget to keep their current customers updated with any offers or news. If you send out mail to clients, you could also include your latest flyer or leaflet in your mailings to advise them of the latest offers and to keep them up-to-date.

However, just in the same way that you want to get a positive message across, it is worth remembering that bombarding people with your material, for example by leaving your leaflet on their car windscreens, can turn your message from a positive one, to a negative!


  1. I totally agree, this was exactly my approach – I sell crafting supplies and found that flyers did not work magic , so I joined local crafting, art groups where everyone was in my target group 🙂 As for handing out leaflets in public places- make a research – I know a person who done it without permission and not only was escorted from the area but also every time she went shopping in the area she was closely watched by security – not great if you want to have a relaxing day out shopping 🙂

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