Stick ‘em up! 8 ways for businesses to use stickers

Shop Window Stickers

Stickers can be as much a part of your marketing campaigns as your flyers, posters and other printed products. Here are some great ways in which you could use stickers of various shapes, colours, designs and sizes to spread the word about your company – easily, creatively and cost-effectively.

1. Highlight a Key Benefit

Put a sticker on your product to draw attention to what makes it special. On a DVD case, a ‘just released’ sticker is proven in accelerating sales. Or if you sell novels, a ‘limited edition signed by the author’ sticker could result in increased demand for the exclusive version.

2. Advertise a Sale

Customers always move items around a shop so simply having a ‘XX% off’ sale banner above your reduced items doesn’t always mean the sale items stay together. A brightly-coloured sticker with bold text could help potential buyers really understand which products qualify for a discount.

Sale Stickers

3. Give Potential Buyers Extra Information

‘Endorsed by a Celebrity!’, ‘Locally Sourced’, ‘Wheat-Free’, etc.

4. Point Customers Towards Your Website

Put stickers on your goods advertising your website address, blog and social media pages. You could also mention some must-read info on your site, such as: ‘Sign up for our e-newsletter and receive monthly discounts’.

5. Create a Buzz

This marketing approach never fails to create a groundswell of interest that simply grows and grows, and gets people talking. In fact, some sticker campaigns that have posed an unanswered question have gone viral, even being talked about on the TV and radio news. The whole idea is to build interest and create suspense over time, until the question of is finally answered and the audience you’ve cleverly built-up is sitting there to be sold to.

6. Raise Awareness & Warn People

Of course, not all sticker campaigns are for commercial use. Plenty of charities and not-for-profit organisations use stickers to raise awareness of a serious local, national or even global issues.

In industries such as building, construction, engineering, and catering, stickers can be used as warnings (danger, health hazard, no smoking, don’t touch, hot, poisonous, flammable, wear gloves, strictly no admittance etc.)

Warning Stickers

7. Surprise People

By having circular stickers stuck to the base of the bottles or containers your company produces and sells. As the bottle is tipped forwards, the sticker could say ‘Smile’, or ‘Wow! You’re gorgeous!’ or even just be a funny image that gives people a chuckle and has them talking about your brand, telling others about it (and maybe even collecting the whole range of bottles/stickers, thereby boosting your sales!).

8. Motivate People

Create customised motivational stickers for your business or organisation for both customers and staff. Inspire people, make them feel better about where they work and what they do, create a sense of inclusion. Similarly, it’s a no-brainer that children respond well to stickers, so why not encourage them do perform better in their various classes and lessons by giving them a sticker? Motivated kids are likely to want to return to your establishment time after time.