5 insanely awesome 3D paper dioramas of classic videogames

Super Mario World 3D paper diorama close-up

As gamers flock to Twitch to see the latest versions of Battlefield and Call of Duty being played at the E3 games show in Los Angeles this week, Wuppes from Luxembourg is going back in time to recreate classic videogames as amazing 3D paper dioramas

Super Mario World 3D paper diorama close-up

The unassuming Tumblr page of paper artist Wuppes almost comes across as something of a confessional at the top of the screen. “I’m from Luxembourg and I have a retro hobby,” he admits. “I make 3D paper dioramas of classic videogames.”

It’s not until you glimpse the images in Wuppes’ archive of gaming paper art that your jaw drops and you have trouble deciding which 3D paper diorama you want to click first and see up-close.

Here are just 5 of the vintage gaming gems on offer…

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong 3D paper diorama


Rampage 3D paper diorama

Sam & Max Hit The Road

Sam & Max Hit The Road 3D paper diorama

Street Fighter 2

Street Fighter 2 3D paper diorama

Zelda – A Link To The Past

Zelda A Link To The Past 3D paper diorama

Classic Gaming 3D Paper Dioramas

Reaction to these wonderful Wuppes recreations has been universally positive from gamers and papercraft fans alike.

“Amazing!” -Antonis Glikos on Facebook

“Great job. They all look fantastic!” -Dale Keogh

“Your work is amazing, keep being awesome.” -Daniel Brown

“Your hobby is really great. Donkey Kong, Bubble Bobble and Duck Hunt are especially my favorites.” -Frank Tanner

“Great work pal!” -Jesus Rojas

“Now that’s art!” -John Davis

“That right there is exactly how 3D versions of classic games should look like.” -Leonardo Gaiero

“Bravissimo.” -Matteo Turchi

“Very impressive.” -Meg Cee

“Want this…” -Monika Sanchez

Wuppes also features the likes of Aladdin, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania 2, Duck Hunt, Golden Axe, Metal Slug, Mortal Kombat 2, Super Bomberman 2, Super Mario World and Super Metroid on his Tumblr blog, so go check ‘em all out. But unfortunately for would-be collectors, these are true labours of love for the Luxembourg gamercrafter genius. None of these pieces are currently for sale.

The tools of the trade for papercrafter Wuppes

Wuppes holding giant Game Boy cake


  1. These really are awesome. It think I might try making one myself, probably Monkey Island 3. I would love to have one of each of the great Lucas Arts Point-n-clicks.

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