Illustrator video tutorial – how to make an isometric cube pattern

Drawing Square isometric cube pattern

Learn how to make an isometric cube pattern easily, using Adobe Illustrator!

Video Tutorial

How To Make An Isometric Cube Pattern

Step By Step

Open Illustrator and start by drawing a hexagon on your art board. Using the line segment tool, draw lines from each corner of the hexagon. Straighten up the lines against each other to ensure that they are all accurate. Reduce the lines to the lengths show in the image below.

1 Making Hexagon

2 Making Lines

3 Cube

Double-check that the lines are accurately intersecting. Highlight the shape and click Divide in the Pathfinder Pallet.

Using the Rectangle Tool, draw three squares on the side of the project and use a different fill colour or variation of one colour one each swatch.

4 Selecting Colours

Select each side of the cube, using the pipet or eyedropper tool, choose the colours for each side from the swatches.

5 Using the Eyedropper

Delete your swatches, as you will no longer need them. Reduce the size of the cube and move it to the corner of your document.

Copy and paste the cube and line up the copy with the existing cube. Duplicate this again until you have a line. Once you have it, you can now copy and paste the entire line and slot it above the existing ones.

How To Make An Isometric Cube Pattern Moving Cubes step

7 Moving Two Cubes

Continue this process until the whole document is filled.

8 Moving Rows

To finish off, draw a rectangle around the whole document the highlight the all of it and click Divide in the Pathfinder pallet.

9 Drawing Square

Now you have an isometric cube pattern that Q*Bert would be proud of! Change up the colours to create different cool effects!