Over a decade of marketing – the Commonwealth Games

Billboard for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014 featuring Jessica Ennis and Nicola Adams as faces on the arena's facade.
The Commonwealth Games Official Billboard

Let the games begin! As Glasgow prepares for 11 days of sporting history, we take a look at its marketing history; past and present.

The Commonwealth Games: one of the world’s most iconic sporting events to happen every 4 years is about to kick off in Glasgow; but how has its marketing so far proved compared to other nation’s hosting the games ? Let’s take a look.

As reported by MarketingWeek, sponsors for the 2014 Commonwealth Games are set to edge their bets in the upcoming events – having slight doubts following 2010’s Delhi games; which was arguably a marketing miss.

Glasgow is up against it in rejuvenating the passion in sport now that the World Cup in Brazil has closed. World leaders in marketing, such as Adidas, hit £1.6 billion in target sales following their sporting adverts during the tournament.

Does this call for an anticlimax in the lead up to Glasgow? How excited is the world for this? As reported across many media platforms, the drive inside Scotland is soaring high following flash mobs, local businesses getting into the spirit and many featured slots on the BBC’s The One Show.

The Commonwealth Games: Glasgow 2014

An image of 2014 Glasgow's Commonwealth Games logo and marketing banner has a white background and pixelated photos of famous athletes who are likely to be competing.

Billboard for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014 featuring Jessica Ennis and Nicola Adams as faces on the arena's facade.
The Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 Official Billboard

The Commonwealth Games: Delhi 2010

Logo for the Commonwealth Games in Delhi 2010 is on a white background with a spiral made up of multicoloured people
The Commonwealth Games: Delhi 2010 Official Logo

An official billboard for Delhi 2010 with dark blue background shows a team of cyclists riding through an arc
The Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 Official Billboard

The Commonwealth Games: Melbourne 2006

Official logo for The Commonwealth Games in Melbourne 2006 has a light blue background and two sharp figures amidst in sport
The Commonwealth Games Melbourne 2006 Official Logo
Colourful postcard for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne shows the city at night from water level
Commonwealth Games 2006 Melbourne Postcard

The Commonwealth Games: Manchester 2002

Logo of the Commonwealth Games held in Manchester in 2002 has a symbol of 3 different coloured figures all holding hands up high
The Official Commonwealth Games 2002 Manchester Logo

The Commonwealth Games: Kuala Lumpur 1998