Lawrence of Arabia: Top 10 Movie Posters

Dark and dramatic Lawrence of Arabia movie poster

As a tribute to legendary actor Peter O’Toole, Solopress take a look at the movie posters inspired by his most famous role, Lawrence of Arabia…

It’s a seemingly impossible task for any graphic designer. How can David Lean’s spectacular cinematography be adequately represented in the poster printing created for Lawrence of Arabia? Well, these brave souls have tried. But did they fail or meet the challenge?

Lawrence of Arabia movie posters 1

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 2

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 3

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 4

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 5

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 6

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 7

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 8

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 9

Lawrence of Arabia movie poster 10

Have Your Say

So what’s YOUR favourite Lawrence of Arabia movie poster shown here? Have you seen a better design elsewhere? Maybe you’ve designed a fantastic movie poster yourself? Please scroll down this page to the ‘Leave a Reply’ box below and post your message (you can also comment via the Facebook panel)…

Lawrence of Arabia

Official blurb: One of the all time great films!
Director: David Lean
Stars: Alec Guinness, Omar Sharif and Peter O’Toole
What the press say: “What a bold, mad act of genius it was, to make Lawrence of Arabia, or even think that it could be made.” -Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times score: 100
Released: 1962
Lawrence of Arabia Facebook page:

Movie trailer for Lawrence of Arabia on YouTube:

“I deem him one of the greatest beings alive in our time. We shall never see his like again. His name will live in history. It will live in the annals of war. It will live in the legends of Arabia!”
-Winston Churchill

Poster Printing


  1. Interesting posters each trying to portray a different aspect of the film. No. 10 gets my vote. The sand always has eyes watching you. Caused me to look at the picture a second time whereas the others didn’t. Also of note is the colour vrs the black and white of the face and how it changes the tone of the picture.

  2. Numbers 7 & 9 are my favourites but I like the silouhette in the background of #3. I particularly like Number 9 as the imagery epitomises the films magic with a modern day slant. The nod to the 50th anniversary which is beautifully subtle adds to the timeless appeal of this film. Lovely blog post; thank you!

  3. Number 3 is good.. number 8 is the best by far I think.. the blue one is a bit reminiscent of a dire sci fi movie!!!!

    • Nice link Jonny, we’re BIG fans of Olly’s wonderful work here at Solopress. Making the choices for the Top 10 was a difficult one, but I went with the most popular, officially released versions in the end. Maybe we’ll publish an alternative or fan art edition too sometime…

  4. The silhouette image on the desert backdrop stands out – to me that is the one that most successfully captures the cinematography of the film and brings to mind Omar Sharif’s spectacular desert entrance to the movie.

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